Dataset shows the net emissions from Livestock. Aggregated cattle population data were supplied to and processed by Cranfield University from cattle tracing system (CTS) data.
Net Natural Environment GHG Emissions, Including LULUCF
Net Natural Environment GHG Emissions, Including LULUCF
Forest Research and the UK Centre for Ecology & Hydrology annually prepare estimates of the uptake of CO2 by afforestation and net loss or gain of CO2 from soils for inclusion in the UK GHGI. In addition to this, estimates of emissions of CH4 and N2O to the atmosphere from LULUCF (Land Use, Land Use Change and Forestry) have been made. These emissions are classified as the LULUCF sector for inclusion in the UK GHGI.
Proportion Of Land Area That Is Classified As Non-Developed
Proportion Of Land Area That Is Classified As Non-Developed
This KPI shows the total land area in hectares by usage type as shown in the Land Use Statistics dataset. This includes land in the categories of; Agriculture, Forests, Open Land, Water, Outdoor Recreation, Residential Gardens and Undeveloped Land.
% of developments built on previously non-developed land
% of developments built on previously non-developed land
Monitoring the percentage of new residential builds constructed on green space will show how much green coverage will have been lost. This metric shows how well we are doing in encouraging and ensuring as many developments as possible take place on brownfield sites.
Number of sites across Lambeth exceeding the interim WHO standards for PM10 concentrations
Number of sites across Lambeth exceeding the interim WHO standards for PM10 concentrations
Monitoring this KPI allows for pinpointing of areas that have poor air quality, as such, exceeding WHO standards for PM10 concentrations. This will be used to monitor progress to improving residents access to good air quality.
Number of sites across Lambeth exceeding the interim WHO standards for NO2 concentrations
Number of sites across Lambeth exceeding the interim WHO standards for NO2 concentrations
Monitoring this KPI allows for pinpointing of areas that have poor air quality, as such, exceeding WHO standards for NO2 concentrations. This will be used to monitor progress to improving residents access to good air quality.